Friday, November 13, 2009

they are back & they are bad

President Obama Is Not In Favor Of Legalization Of Marijuana

it took about 2 months since the loss of all my magnets before i felt a little kick of inspiration inside of me. After a few weeks of gestation period this magnet was born. I plan to clone it & distribute around our area before x-mas. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lost&Found do i put it so it doesn't make me look too doesn't look like there is a way:)

anyhow what happend happend & what happened is that i lost all (ALL) my Surfer Dude coasters, Red Cross, Cheer Leaders magnets + a new batch with Snoopy & Charlie Brown. Just left them sitting in a parking lot when i took off in my car. Later security guy told me referring to someone who possibly found my things: "they always bring it back if they dont like"...So now i m not sure i want "them" to bring my magnets back. I'd rather "them" like my little crafts. That's why i m not mourning the loss but instead considering it "my contribution to the world of affordable art", "direct delivery to a happy customer", "free promo of "Eve's Kitchen" brand"...whatever.

surely, in a big picture i found more than i lost!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Heart Desensitizer

At the dentists they applied desensitizer to my teeth to reduce a painful reaction to outside factors like hot & cold & sweet & sour...Wouldn't it be great if such a thing could be applied to a human heart...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Artist Market

O-la-la...what have i gotten myself into?! i am being pushed out from my uncomfortable "comfort zone" into the world where things actually happen. where i can dare to do something i like & even be appreciated for it. Isn't it what i wanted? Isn't it what i secretly asked for & therefore received? This time i am not even looking for a reason to get out - i know there is none: even the "biggest" obstacle (the required tent for the event) was overcome with no effort. So, eyes wide open i am diving into ice cold water: this saturday, September 26, i am participating in my very 1st artistic venue - Beaux Arts Ball!

September 26 is also my mom's Birthday. ...haven't seen her in almost 2 "all the proceeds" (& hopefully there will be some:) will go into the purchase of a plane ticket for my dear Mom to bring her over here.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


"Wenn ich zum Augenblicke sage/Verweile dich, du bist so schoen"
"If I should ever to the moment say, 'O stay! Thou art so fair!'"

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nostalgia attack

It took a movie "Little house on the Prairies" for me to realize that 2 years is a long time not to see one's family! The funniest part is that while i was crying over the fact my mom doesn't get to see her first grand child thousands miles away with 9 hour time difference my mom was calling me on the phone. Some ties can be affected by neither time nor space.

Friday, September 4, 2009

To My Yet Unborn Children

After the leading the charts "where are you from?" unfailingly comes "are you going to have another one?"...

I love you, oh, all my yet unborn children! you are all going to be smart & cute & absolutely adored one day! as for now, let mama play for a while

Thursday, September 3, 2009


You want to write a poem about angels.
Not because they are winged and white and haloed
And in many paintings very beautiful
But because you have seen many things and remembered
Only angels...

...I don't necessarily have to see
An angel, I just want to see some wings,
Even a flash of them, gliding, moving
Up and out...

this one is fun:

...I suppose
The scenery gets dull, if you're
An angel. All that cloud and pearl.
There aren't chariots of fire
Every day, you know, and it's a long time
Between appearances in dreams.

(all extracts above are from "A Poem About Angels" & "Looking For Angels in New York" by Jacqueline Osherow)

...What a nice fall day it is today.
Sarah says days like this make her miss New York. I am too nostalgic for places & people i love but don't get to see anymore.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I ve found this book in a thrift store today: it's in a great condition & cost only 25 cents. The only problem with it is i can only guess what language it is written in (looks like japanese or chinese) Why buy? well...i was always wandering what my native language (russian) might look like to a foreigner...Just like japanese to me i assume.

...may be i learn it one day...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Forbidden Fruit

...not so sure it was an apple afterall...could it have been a forbidden cherry? forbidden papaya? a shell? some kind of drink? or a place she took him? ...i keep guessing

with love,


On some days i want to run far far away from this place to see tall buildings, hear the noise of traffic on the streets, to be shoved, pushed, yelled at & do some of the same thing myself...crazy?! Is it that the beauty & peacefulness of this place is so powerful it's scary & it makes me want to abandon it because i know (i see its work in the eyes of locals) this place is addictive, it ties you down & never lets you go. brings you back from travels. disappears you from the radars of city life. one big beautiful black hole. bermuda triangle.